Wool Felt Pennies 50-1½”

$3.99 + TAX

Wool Felt Pre-Cut Pennies (Circles)Wool Felt Components – 1½” Pennies (Circles) – Pre-cut parts – 23 colors

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Wool Felt Components – Pre-cut parts

1½” Pennies (Circles) – 23 colors

Wool Felt Pre-Cut Pennies (Circles)


Felt - Colors - Black Felt - Colors - Brown Felt - Colors - Red Felt - Colors - Orange Felt - Colors - Yellow Felt - Colors - Green Felt - Colors - Blue Felt - Colors - Purple Felt - Colors - Gray Felt - Colors - Cream Felt - Colors - Lt Green Felt - Colors - Lt Blue Felt - Colors - Tan Felt - Colors - Pink - Copyright 2024 Joseph J. Fatula, Jr. Felt - Colors - Spice Felt - Colors - Mustard Felt - Colors - Mint Felt - Colors - Mulberry Felt - Colors - Sandstone Felt - Colors - Garnet Felt - Colors - Butter Felt - Colors - Chocolate Felt - Colors - Sky

Our wool felt is Made in the USA from wool grown in the USA.  It is a blend of 35% wool and 65% rayon.

Why A Blend? 

  • Our goal was to have a blend that is close to the wool/cotton blend which has been in use for hundreds of years through out the world.
  • The wool/cotton blend was favored over 100% wool or 100% cotton as the combination provided much better service
    • The wool provided strength and warmth while the cotton added breathability and softness to touch.
    • It was an ideal combination for all kinds of weather and purposes.
  • Rayon and cotton are almost identical with cotton being a little bit softer and rayon being more silky or shinny on the surface.

How are Rayon and Cotton Different?

  • Rayon is made from cellulose, a carbohydrate plant substance, derived from wood and wood pulp which is then made into fibers.
  • Cotton is made of cellulose fibers from the cotton plant.